Legislative Reviews
PEG Consulting has extensive experience in conducting legislative reviews for multiple jurisdictions across a wide range of topics. PEG Consulting personnel also benefits from their public sector careers which encompassed substantial legislative reform, development, and review responsibilities.
Case Study 1
In 2021 PEG Consulting conducted a review under section 68 of the Retirement Villages Act 2016. This involved:
Assessing the impact of regulatory reforms;
Consideration of consumer protections;
Assessment of the achievement of object of the Act in practice;
Analysis of best practice and interjurisdictional reforms.
Public consultation - which included over 100 responses to a discussion paper, a survey and in person conversations.
We provided a report for the Minister for Health and Wellbeing on time and within budget which enabled the Minister to consider the need for legislative changes and the report was tabled in Parliament.
Case Study 2
In 2019 PEG Consulting conducted an independent review of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (ACT) for the ACT Government. This involved:
The review of this substantial piece of legislation
Engaging with a wide range of stakeholders from within and outside government, statutory office holders, and Members of ACT Parliament
Leading a comprehensive public consultation process
Analysis of data and interfacing legislative and system practices
In introducing amendments as a result of our review, the Chief Minister said in the Legislative Assembly “The report is of exceptional quality and I thank the reviewers for their work”. The Integrity Commissioner, Justice Cowdroy AO QC, commended PEG Consulting on “a very comprehensive and thorough” report.
Case Study 3
In 2018 PEG Consulting conducted a review of the Lands Titles Act 1925 (ACT) for the ACT Government. This required:
Provisions of strategic advice as to the best approach to legislative review
Interjurisdictional analysis with all jurisdictions in Australia
Significant consultation and engagement with a number of ACT Government agencies including EPSDD and Treasury
Data, systems and policy analysis
Our legislative review resulted in reforms to enable the ACT to participate in National Electronic Conveyancing.