Nationally, there is a spotlight on the gendered bullying of women in the workplace, which is off the back of the international #MeToo moment. This behaviour in 2018 is not only appalling, it is costly. This has promoted this week’s article, which highlights the huge cost of gender harassment in the work place. Read the full Apolitical article here or an extract below.

EXTRACT: "Sex-based harassment” encompasses a wider range of behaviors than sexual harassment, which is predicated on unwanted sexual attention. Sex-based harassment also includes behavior that demeans one gender or gender characteristics, as well as sexual assault and sexual coercion....The encouraging news is that sex-based harassment isn’t inevitable or insurmountable. The very first step is to pull misogyny out by its roots. Workplace cultures that respect the dignity and contributions of all employees, regardless of gender, sexuality, race or position, are most successful in making this transformation. Leaders, including political leaders, must not only re-examine the institutional response to sex-based harassment, they must overhaul hiring and promotions practices to create more diverse leadership. At the end of the story, it is diversity that creates the desired change.