Productive meetings and projects drive not just improved efficiency and outcomes, but also employee engagement. One of the biggest issues undermining this is having too many or not the right people in the room or on the project. This is a real issue in lots of organisations, and we think this HBR article's three-step advice is worth adopting. An extract is below, but we recommend you read the short, full article here.

Extract: People hate to be excluded, so meeting organizers often invite anyone who might need to be involved to avoid hurt feelings. But the result is that most of the people in the meeting are just wasting time; some may literally not know why they’re there. Whether it’s a meeting, an email thread, or a project team, people need to be excluded from time to time. Being selective frees people up to join more urgent engagements, get creative work done, and stay focused on their most important tasks. How, then, can leaders do this gracefully? We recommend three steps...