This is an important article for governments looking to increase their use and integration of data. It goes to why we believe trust between citizen's and government is critical - as is a robust, considered five safes framework for governments’ data sharing conversations and agreements.
You can read Peter Leonard's Mandarin article here or the extract below.

In an age of rapid change and unpredictable erosion of trust in institutions, including government agencies, social licence through beneficence and clear social purpose is often no longer good enough, even for relatively high-trust organisations such as some government agencies...Rightly or wrongly, data-privacy laws regulating disclosure, sharing and uses of linked digital data sets are today regarded as an important control against excessive intrusions upon rights of individuals. Where legislated authority to link data sets and use linked digital data overrides protections of data privacy laws, demonstration of social licence becomes more important. Hence, concerns about (to take but a few recent examples) the consumer data right, national biometric matching capabilities, and decryption powers cannot simply be addressed through privacy-impact assessment.