We have chosen this recently published HBR article by Josh Levs because it confronts a very important issue - the role of leave entitlements for men in the quest for gender equality. Until women AND men are extended appropriate family leave opportunities and actively supported to access these entitlements the gender equality divide will remain. Work and life responsibilities are absolutely intertwined, and equality cannot be achieved without employers supporting men in playing an active role as fathers, sons and partners.

Given that many of our workplace structures were forged in the “Mad Men” era, it’s little surprise that we still have laws, policies and stigmas acting as gender police, pushing women to stay at home and men to stay at work. But as more businesses learn the benefits of supporting men as equal caregivers at home, the more strides we can make to change that. This Father’s Day, let’s resolve to make it a year-round effort. Read the full article here.